I can’t believe it’s one year on in, after Covid-19 ripped through our lives and changed so much.
I remember panicking at the beginning as my tourism, hospitality and retail clients had to pull back on my services. I said goodbye to six clients in a single week! In amongst this I was organising my daughter’s early return from university and making sure I had enough pasta (I never got caught up in the toilet roll frenzy).
I was also worried about what the virus would do to me if I caught it. I’ve said before, it was like being in a sci fi movie. I didn’t get any financial help from the government so after shedding a few tears of anxiety I set about battening down the hatches.
Several of my clients turned things around for me, asking me to take on project work and expanding my retained hours. I took on some short term contracts too. In the end, my turnover dipped slightly over the year but nowhere near as much as I’d feared at the start. I started mentoring two young entrepreneurs and won an award for my efforts.
One year on and what a difference. We’re slowly coming out of the third lockdown and the sun is shining again. I’ve seen more amazing sunrises and sunsets this year than ever before. I’ve been to ‘real’ client meetings, so very different from the Zoom and Teams meetings. I’ve had my first vaccination and booked a staycation for September in North Devon.
Alongside my long-term retained clients, I am working with some inspirational new clients, including The Outdoors Group, Communitas, Burrington Estates and Connaught@Christmas. I’m talking to potential clients in new sectors, which is very exciting. I’m delighted that several clients who had been unable to keep me on in the early stages of the pandemic have taken me back on board again.
Everything is feeling very positive and I for one cannot wait for June 21st, fingers crossed. Onwards and upwards.
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