Blog on!

This was supposed to be a March blog, but it’s taken a while to get round to it. So welcome to my first blog of April.

At a recent digital update seminar organised by CIPR, one speaker spoke of the nBlog 2eed to publish a blog at least every two weeks, and preferably more. You could hear a sharp intake of breath across the room. Who has the time?

Most of us understand the point of blogging. It’s a way of sharing your knowledge.

1. Blogs are good for Google. Each blog counts as a page, giving you credibility (as long as the content is fresh).
2. A well-written blog helps your customers to believe in your expertise.
3. Other professionals like to share the latest blogs – it shows that they have their finger on the pulse.
4. You can link to your blog on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and your business Facebook page – it all helps your profile.

The downTypistside, of course, is that you have to schedule in some time to write a blog, using your own ideas and views, and your own inimitable style.

Like everyone else, I often stare at the blank screen waiting for the thunderbolt of inspiration. Should nothing come to mind, I find it a good excuse to make a cup of tea. If the tea doesn’t help, here are a few helpful hints:

1. Think about what you do best and stick to what you know.
2. Search for topics in your area of expertise and read what other people have been writing about. What would you think about their topic – something different to what they’re saying?
3. Don’t plagiarise, it’s extremely unprofessional. If someone has had great original thoughts that you agree with, share them and acknowledge the writer.
4. 4. Have a sense of humour. Most of your readers will appreciate your blog more if you don’t take it all too seriously.

Finally, keep your blog short.Shortstory