The Family Law Company kept me busy during lockdown, commissioning me to copywrite their new Divorce Guide, We Are Only Human.
Part of the brief was to write a simplified explanation of the process from start to finish. This gives those starting down to the road to divorce a good overview of what is involved.
The challenging element was to interview past clients and write up their stories. I’ve conducted many telephone interviews over the years but clearly these required extra sensitivity! In the end I spoke to nine clients all with very different experiences. There were some with children, others without. Some had remained amicable with their ‘ex’ whilst for others there was a need to draw a line under the relationship.
As professional as I am, I couldn’t help but empathise with all of them; I even shed a few tears along the way!
I also interviewed two counsellors, Sarah Ashworth and Amanda Williamson who were kind enough to provide information for sections on how to be sure a marriage is over, and tips on how to move on. Wise words from both.
After writing up each interview, I passed them in front of the lawyers involved to double check the legal processes were described correctly. Marketing Manager Kerry England then created the digital guide using her many creative skills.
The Divorce Guide is just part of the ‘We Are Only Human’ campaign. Kerry oversaw the production of a video made by Blinkback Video and I wrote several features introducing the new guide via a number of publications including Devon Life.
This was a meaty and satisfying copywriting project and was a great way to keep busy during the lockdown months.
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