I wrote back in March of my new consultancy (posh description) with DEBI – the Devon Environmental Business Initiative. Three months on I feel I’m really starting to get somewhere, communicating the aims of the organisation and supporting its work.
A major success was the launch of DEBI’s 2014 Environmental Awards at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth. I take no credit for the organisation of this event – that was down to DEBI Administrator, the dedicated Lucy Robinson. She set the event up, negotiated sponsorship from the Una Group and invited the guests. About 50 showed up despite the alternative lure of the World Cup!
The Aquarium is a wonderful venue, and after congregating in the Ocean Suite for nibbles, we moved to the Eddystone Reef tank where it took a little concentration to listen to the speakers rather than gaze at the ocean life behind them. Paul Cox, Director of Conservation and Communication for the Aquarium coolly told us he was quite used to that!
The launch press release was picked up by most of the regional press (thank you) and I’ve been tweeting and Facebooking for DEBI to get interest going. The deadline isn’t until the end of September, and I’m looking forward to hearing about the entries as they come in. Last year there were 64, this year I hope there will be even more!
Helping DEBI with its comms is a great role – when I took it I knew it would be interesting and I’m so glad to be proved right! Watch this space.
Award categories: Green Goods and Services, Sustainable Food, Retail, Hospitality & Leisure, Sustainable Ethos, Environmental Champion, and the new category for 2014, Environmental Education aimed at those who promote or contribute to environmental education across Devon.